On our Shelves - Music Themed Activities

Today on the blog, quickly sharing activities on our shelves this week. Our toddler loves music and so we added some musical-inspired objects and instruments to our shelves, along with some practical life (food prep items), language and counting activities.

Looking for some more activity ideas for babies? Check out my last post here which includes some bonus Montessori-inspired activity ideas to rotate and use year-round!
This weeks activities: Music Theme
Sound makers basket:
Dry pasta in a container, sound cubes, sound blocks, etc. Use what you have + can add some pots and pans with utensils to make sounds, or any other dry items to containers ie. rice, beans, bells. *Ensure the lids are sealed tightly*

Drum set: (V-tech) - this was one of her Birthday gifts! She loves to play with containers and lids and hit the top of them, so this is a great addition to her shelf! Mama and Dada enjoy playing the drums too! ;)

Leap Frog Letter Factory Phonics - our little one loves this activity, pushing the ABC's song button and clapping along to the music + letter sounds.

Add these simple activities to your little ones shelves and encourage them to explore the different sounds and create their own songs as well!